Page 5 - November 2021
P. 5

From The Master
Graham Maltby
I am very proud and honoured to be the Master of the Worshipful Company of Firefighters for the year 2021-22. In a lifetime much in the Fire and Rescue Service I could never have dreamt that one day I would be leading a prestigious Livery Company in the City of London. One of the most important considerations is not to forget the Company has been built on the hard work and dedication of my predecessors and members, therefore maintaining the reputation in the City and beyond is my first priority.
Having been privileged to Chair of the Emergency Strategic Coordination Board (ESCB), for 17 months and Chair of the Management Board since July 2019 a considerable amount of work required to keep the Company in good shape had been completed and by the end of “Lockdown” and a new era commenced at Common Hall on 2nd July 2021.
To provide a sound base for a successful year whilst moving the Company forward in what is a continuing uncertain time in the world that could still yet change again, plans have been prepared to be in place for more than one year whilst the new business systems are being allowed to “bed down” and fine tuned where required. The new Financial, Information Technology and on-line arrangements fully supported withintheOfficeoftheClerkwill make a significant difference in the way the Company operates. To achieve this goal, the support of the Wardens’ team remains paramount as is providing strong Chairs and members of Standing Committees with the right skills and responsibility, authority and accountability, reporting to the Chair of Management Board to assess and move forward many of the Company ideas, for something different and better. The relationship and role between Management Board and Court has been re-established allowing Court to focus on Policy, Strategy, Performance and the challenges of the future.
Using the outcomes of the Membership Survey on future events, completed in June 2021, (which I am arranging to be published as a separate document), we will return progressively to formal and informal events throughout the year (hopefully in the City), that meet members satisfaction but, more importantly, are at venues which are affordable for all and prevent unnecessary expenditure where possible such as overnight stays.
Already, the Clerk, Finance Manager and Chair of Events are finding the hiring of Livery Hall facilities rising to a point of being astronomically expensive but through their coordination as a team, this has every chance of success.
For some time my personal thoughts have been embedded in the view that the Company should re-engage with the Fire and Rescue Service, the Fire Industry and those other industries associated with risk and safety and that all of the membership should play a more active part in its future. Similarly, the same thoughts apply to a better engagement and participation in the Livery movement and City of London activities. The other priorities are to:
• Prepare the Wardens for progression and make the Master and Wardens into a more integrated team.
• Create formal links with Dowgate Fire Station and other Emergency Service colleagues that serve the City of London.
I have every confidence that working as teams and engaging the Members of the Company we will make significant progress and I reiterate the statement that I made at the Installation Lunch - judge me as your Master on the outcomes and achievements not on the inputs. However, goals can only be progressed or achieved by the combined effort of the Membership so I look forward to seeing you partaking in building the Company’s future.
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