Page 22 - July 2019
P. 22
From the Clerk
Steven Tamcken
As I sit at my desk in the Clerk’s Office, it still amazes me how fast the year of a Master turns.
It seems just a few months ago I was starting out with the Master on his year of Office, and here I am now looking to beginning the journey again with our Master Elect, Frances Blois.
I must pay tribute to the Master and Mistress Firefighter, Andrew and Carol, for their dedication and the amount of effort that they have put in over the last year with regards to the Worshipful Company of Firefighters. I know that the Master has attended over 150 events on behalf of the Company and the Mistress has also been very active on the now firmly established Consort’s Circuit, whilst still doing a proper day job.
Turning to the other Officers in the Company, I also thank them for their help and support throughout the last 12 months.
I am very acutely aware that this
Company, like many others, is very dependent on its volunteers, and I know how hard they all work in the background to try to ensure that you, our membership, have a well- balanced variety of events, social intercourse and information that you deserve, and therefore I thank them for all the time that is given. Whilst mentioning this, I feel that I must repeat my message of last year, that the Company and the various committees continue to need your support.
Your support is appreciated in areas such as; prompt payment of quarterage, charity and tickets; attendance at the major functions as well as the smaller more intimate events; becoming involved in the workings of the Company, by progressing from Freeman to Liveryman, applying to join any of the committees; responding to any communication promptly etc. etc. Without this the Company will not continue to evolve and maintain its high profile within the City and the Livery movement.
As has been said many times – “think not what the Company can do for you, but what can YOU do for the Company.”
You may remember that at this time last year I posed a few questions which I repeat again here:
I feel that it may be a good time
to reflect on whether the Company is still; to use Business parlance: Fit for Purpose?, actively engaging with the membership?, giving value for money?, or does it need to change / adapt / evolve?, re- engage with its members?, look at how to be better value?, any of the above, some of the above or all of the above.
By the time you read this set of your Clerk’s ramblings, I will have, on behalf of the Master, sent out a simple questionnaire to try to obtain the membership’s view of the Company. Please take 5 minutes of your time to respond, as this is one of the steps needed for change to take place.
The results of this questionnaire will be collated and the report will be presented to the Management Board for their deliberations, to assist in the evolution and development of our Wonderful Company.
As you are aware our Company is constantly evolving and as part of this evolution, at the last Court meeting it was approved that the role and tenure of the Sentinel’s would be amended to give the newer Freemen and Liverymen the opportunity of assisting in the Company. This will be done by changing the length of time that a member can be a Sentinel, as well as trying to ensure that they are fully conversant with the workings of the Company and Committees. The length of tenure is for 3 years, reviewed annually, and will allow a further 3-year tenure. The
maximum any member will serve as Sentinel would be 6 years.
This will help in future years, if and when they wish to progress, at the same time allowing newer members to be able to put themselves forward for the position.
Steve Tamcken Clerk The WCoFF
Page 22
Master & Mistress Firefighter Andrew & Carol Mayes