Our Charitable Trust Sponsored Prize Winner

Tom & AlexRecently, Liveryman Tom Brookes kindly represented the Worshipful Company of Firefighters Charitable Trust at the Annual Celebration of the Glasgow Caledonian University School of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment. The evening was the Prize Giving event for outstanding students of the year.
The WCoFF Charitable Trust was one of the Professional Body Award Sponsors; our category was Best Fire Risk Dissertation. The award was won by Alexander Bulloch, a student from Crawley who works within London building control. The ceremony was hosted by BBC Scotland news presenter Sarah McMullen and was well attended by many businesses and professional bodies. Alex had been present at our recent Massey Shaw dinner, accompanied by his father, and Alex will have a formal interview with a view to joining our Company in this month.
Our photo show Tom and Alex at the event, More photo's of this event can be see on our facebook group