Page 5 - Salamander News Letter August 2023
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from the City of London - all at considerable cost. Doing so at the same time as seeking to embark upon the journey to secure City approval to create the Guild of Firefighters was not easy. Without the hard work and commitment of a small group of dedicated colleagues it would not have happened and I am forever grateful for their help and commitment.
The formation of the Guild of Firefighters was recognised by the City on the 13 June 1988 as it started its journey towards Company and ultimately full Livery status. It was important from the inception to ensure that we were an inclusive Guild that sought to embrace the widest possible membership. Whilst members needed to be drawn from the Fire Service,
It was absolutely imperative that the Guild was strongly supported by the broadest membership drawn from all aspects of the Fire and Safety Industry and indeed should include those facing risks from fire and other disasters.
For Part II of Gerry Clarkson’s anniversary memoir, see New Salamander, Newsletter No 2. 1st October 2023
For those who could not attend 35th Anniversary of the formation of the Worshipful Company of Firefighters Massey Shaw Lunch and would like a memento of our anniversary, this slate commemorative coaster (10cm diameter), that each guest received, is available at £5 each, + £3.50 P&P.
AnewstockofSalamanderbadgesisavailablenow.Thebadges have been cast from the original die used for our earlier batch of badges. The new stock is formed from a base metal with a polished gilt finish. The fixing is a tube joint with safety catch and the badge is supplied in a presentation box.
The cost of the badge is £22 each, + £5 P&P. and insurance to a UK address.
The badges are available in our online shop using the WCOFF Memorabilia tab,
For both items above you can apply directly to Liveryman David Holt,, if you would like to place an order.
         Follow us on twitter @LondonFire1666

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